Commercial insurance

What Is the Difference Between Builder’s Risk and General Liability?

By rbc_adm | | Commercial Insurance, Construction Industry

Commercial insurance, particularly builder’s risk and general liability coverage, plays a crucial role in the construction industry. These policies provide essential protection, ensuring financial security and mitigating risks associated with construction projects.

Builder’s risk insurance safeguards construction projects by covering property damage and materials during construction. It protects against unforeseen events like theft or vandalism. 

On the other hand, general liability insurance provides broader coverage. It addresses third-party injuries and property damage claims that may arise during construction activities. 

Key Differences Between Builder’s Risk and General Liability

While builder’s risk focuses on project-specific risks, general liability offers a more comprehensive shield against potential liabilities. Both policies are integral components of a robust insurance strategy in the construction industry. 

Insured Parties

Builder’s risk insurance is tailored for property owners and contractors. It offers protection against property damage and materials during construction projects. 

In contrast, general liability insurance provides a broader safety net, covering a range of parties involved in construction activities. It also addresses third-party injuries and property damage claims for comprehensive risk management.

Covered Risks

Builder’s risk insurance focuses on mitigating property-related risks during construction. It generally covers damages to the project and materials. 

In contrast, general liability insurance is designed to handle liability issues. It usually addresses injuries or damages to third parties involved in the construction process.

Duration of Coverage

Builder’s risk insurance is typically tailored for the construction phase. It provides coverage for property damage and materials during the building process. 

In contrast, general liability insurance may extend beyond the construction completion. It typically offers ongoing protection against third-party liabilities, even after the project is finished.

Scope of Coverage

Builder’s risk insurance is specifically designed to address risks associated with property under construction. It usually covers potential damages during the building process. 

General liability insurance extends its coverage to third-party bodily injury and property damage. It offers a broader scope of protection in the construction industry.

Importance of Having Both Coverages

Ensuring comprehensive protection in the construction industry requires a combination of builder’s risk and general liability insurance. 

Here are the benefits of having both types of coverage: 

  • Comprehensive risk management: Having builder’s risk and general liability insurance helps identify, assess, and mitigate various risks. It ensures a resilient framework for construction projects.
  • Addresses property and liability concerns: Builder’s risk covers property under construction. On the other hand, general liability safeguards against third-party injuries and damages, providing a well-rounded protection plan.
  • Adequate coverage for all aspects of the construction project: Having builder’s risk and general liability allows companies to tailor insurance to the project’s specific needs.
  • Compliance with contractual requirements: Incorporating builder’s risk with general liability insurance makes meeting project specifications and obligations easier. 
  • Meeting project specifications and contractual obligations: Having builder’s risk and general liability insurance ensures coverage aligns with the project’s requirements.
  • Provides comprehensive insurance portfolio for stakeholders: Builder’s risk and general liability insurance helps promote a secure and compliant construction environment.

What to Look for in Commercial Insurance

Understanding the elements of builder’s risk and general liability policies is crucial for ensuring comprehensive coverage and effective risk management.

Here’s what to look for when shopping for commercial insurance:

General Liability Insurance

  • Sufficient limits for bodily injury and property damage: Ensure adequate coverage limits to address potential injuries and property damage claims.
  • Subcontractor-related liabilities: It’s essential to be aware of any liabilities associated with subcontractors.
  • Other considerations: Consider policy exclusions, coverage extensions, and any unique features that may impact the overall effectiveness of the insurance policies.

Builder’s Risk Insurance

  • Adequate coverage limits: Ensure the insurance policies have sufficient limits to cover potential liabilities, providing financial protection commensurate with the project’s scale and risks.
  • Project-related inclusions and exclusions: Understand the specific elements covered and excluded in the policies, tailoring the coverage to the unique needs and characteristics of the construction project.
  • Coverage extensions for special circumstances: Look for policy provisions that extend coverage for special circumstances, such as testing and startup phases, ensuring comprehensive protection throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Responsibility for obtaining coverage: Clearly define and understand the roles and responsibilities of each project stakeholder in obtaining and maintaining insurance coverage, avoiding gaps or overlaps in protection.


Builder’s risk and general liability serve distinct yet complementary roles in commercial insurance. Builder’s risk addresses property risks during construction, while general liability covers third-party injuries and property damage. Together, they form a comprehensive risk management strategy for the construction industry.

Tailoring insurance portfolios to the specific needs of construction projects is crucial for ensuring comprehensive coverage and mitigating risks effectively.

Take proactive steps in securing your construction ventures. Contact RBC Insurance Associates for personalized guidance and tailored insurance solutions.

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